What I Learned from the Russians

In January of 1997, while a first year student at Yale School of Drama, I, along with my full class of fellow actors and directors, under the leadership of YSD professor, David Chambers, boarded a plane for St. Petersburg, Russia. We would spend five weeks in Russia, re-staging the legendary Russian theatrical director Meyerhold´s 1926 production of “The Inspector General”, a show that ran for years during his life and was touted, by many, as his masterpiece. As a side note, the communists eventually used this production as justification to politically assassinate Meyerhold.

Meyerhold´s 1926 production of Gogol´s "The Inspector General" or "Revizor"

Here is a link to the NY Times article about the project

But, this post today is not about Meyerhold, as much as it is about how I learned about what discipline means, a lesson I learned from our Russian collaborators and fellow artists. Continue reading